This is a collection of my favorite resources. They are all online and freely available (even though for some book copies can be purchased). If you have a good resource currently not listed, please feel free to contact me.
Cheatsheets are summaries of certain packages or topics. They can be useful to look up some functionality quickly. Many people even write their own, more specific cheatsheets over time. Here are some cheetsheets relevant for this workshop.
Base R, Advanced R, readr, tidyr, stringr, forcats, dplyr, purrr, ggplot2, sf
R for Data Science: Book covering many general concepts of data science including different data types, data cleaning, exploration and wrangling.
Advanced R: Book covering more
advanced topics of R
programming such as Environments,
Functional and Object-oriented programming, or non-standard
Efficient R
programming: Book about how to program more efficiently in
including general and specific/advanced advice.
What They Forgot to Teach You
About R: Homepage about mainly “daily tasks” in the R
programming language that are often not covered by courses.
Big Book of R: Massive collection of online-available R books/homepages.
ggplot2: Comprehensive book explaining almost all functions of ggplot2.
Fundamentals of Data Visualization: Book about general data visualization and ggplot2.
A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R: Blog showing how to build many different types of visualizations using ggplot2.
Top 50 ggplot2 visualizations: Homepage with 50 ggplot2 visualizations. ## Spatial data
Geocomputation with R: Book including basics and advanced spatial data background, workflows and examples. Lots of code examples.
Spatial Data
Science: Homepage explaining basics of spatial data. Strong focus on
and stars